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44 すべてのレビュー

  • 交換可能な頑丈なポリカーボネート製ブレード、重戦闘用に準備完了。
  • ボタンを押すか、手首をひねることで、異なるブレードカラーやエフェクトを変更可能。
  • サウンドボードは、優れた体験のために distinct な音響効果を提供。
  • 多くのサーベー照明エフェクトを選べ、臨場感のある決闘が可能。
  • 高感度のモーションセンサーでスムーズなスイングとジェスチャー点火を楽しめる。
  • ライトセーバー同士が戦うときのフラッシュ・オン・クラッシュ&ロックアップループエフェクト。
  • 充電式/取り外し可能なリチウムイオンバッテリーで、充電なしで一日中コスプレを楽しめる。
  • サーベーの音量をお好みで調整したり、ミュートにすることも可能。

ネオピクセル専用(SNV4 Pro & Proffie)

  • アイコニックな段階的点火およびシャットダウンシーケンス。
  • ダイナミックな50ワットLEDストリップで、臨場感溢れるシネマエフェクトを即座に提供。
  • チップ制御による独立照明LEDでリアルなエフェクトを実現。
  • 光と音が連動して、比類のない体験を提供。
  • 溶けるような/フォース/ドロップエフェクトでサーベーの価値を最大化。
  • ブラスター弾の反射を視覚的にシミュレート。
  • 付属の32GB SDカードでパーソナライズされたライトセーバーを楽しもう。




    Tatooine lightsaber
    Tatooine light saber
    Tatooine lightsaber
    Tatooine lightsaber hilt
    Tatooine lightsaber handle
    Partial view of Tatooine lightsaber
    Partial view of Tatooine lightsaber
    Partial view of Tatooine lightsaber
    Tatooine lighsaber hilt
    Tatooine light saber - red color


    タトゥイーン ライトセーバーについて





    • ヒルト素材:アルミニウム合金6061
    • ヒルト重量:0.38kg
    • ヒルト長さ:11インチ(28cm)
    • ブレード外径:1インチ(2.5cm)

    • ブレードの長さ: 32インチ (82cm) / 36インチ (92cm)
    • ブレードの素材: 取り外し可能なポリカーボネート
    • ブレードの厚さ: 2mm (RGB) / 3mm (Neopixel)
    • ブレードの重量: 0.16kg (RGB) / 0.26kg (Neopixel)

    • バッテリー情報: 18650 非保護型、フラットトップ、65mm
    • 充電方式: USB充電、PCポートなし!充電中の使用は避けてください!
    • アダプター: 5V, 1A/2A
    • 充電時間: 2時間 (RGB) / 4時間 (Neopixel)


    コア機能 RGBベースライト ネオピクセル
    RGB S16 S-RGB SNV4 Pro Proffie V2.2
    アドバイス デュエルに適した予算に優しい バトルレディとカスタマイズ可能 より明るく、リアルな体験 オープンソースチップで究極の体験
    Bluetooth いいえ いいえ
    ブレードカラー 12色 12色(マルチカラー) 12色(マルチカラー) 12色(カスタマイズ可能)
    サウンドフォント 16セット 27セット(プリセット) 27セット(プリセット) 25セット以上(プリセット)
    ブレードエフェクト 4種類 4種類以上 9種類以上 9種類以上
    点火エフェクト いいえ いいえ 11エフェクト 25エフェクト、
    LEDライト 12Wランプビーズ 12Wランプビーズ 50Wストリップライト 50Wストリップライト
    2000mAh 2000mAh 3200mAh 3200mAh
    メルト / フォース /
    いいえ いいえ
    SDカード いいえ 32GB 32GB 32GB
    カスタマイズ いいえ アプリ制御 アプリ制御 サウンド&カラーのマッチング

    RGB S16コアに含まれる16種類の収録済みサウンドフォント:
    Whispers of Power(力のささやき)、The Teacher(師匠)、The Second(セカンド)、The Learner(学徒)、The Dark Lord Revisited(暗黒卿 再来)、The Champion(チャンピオン)、Serenity(静寂)、Idyll(田園)、Hatred(憎悪)、Dark Ages(暗黒時代)、Cyber Terror(サイバーテロ)、Codex of Light(光の書)、Luke Skywalker(ルーク・スカイウォーカー)、Scavenger Rey(スカベンジャー・レイ)、Ray Skywalker(レイ・スカイウォーカー)、Master Yoda(マスター・ヨーダ)。

    S-RGB & SNV4 Proコアに含まれる27種類の収録済みサウンドフォント:
    Ahsoka(アソーカ)、Anakin(アナキン)、Blue Lady Master(ブルー・レディ・マスター)、Depa(デパ)、Darth Maul(ダース・モール)、Dookula(ドゥークーラ)、DSR、Emperor(皇帝)、Fallen Order Cal(フォールンオーダー・カル)、Frolic Frog(ヨーダ/フロリック・フロッグ)、Graflex IX(Rev 9/グラフレックスIX)、Grumpy Ben(カイロ・レン/グランピー・ベン)、Inquisitor(尋問官)、Luke Skywalker(ルーク・スカイウォーカー)、Mace Windu(メイス・ウィンドゥ)、Mando Saber(マンド・セイバー)、Master Mundi(マスター・ムンディ)、Obi Wan EP3(オビ=ワンEP3)、Quin VOS(クイン・ヴォス)、Revanchist(リヴァンチスト)(青)、Revanchist(リヴァンチスト)(赤)、Temple Guard(テンプルガード)、TFU Secret Apprentice(スターキラー/秘密の弟子)、The Lost Sister(失われた姉妹)、The Princess(プリンセス)、Tulak Hord(トゥラク・ホード)、Vader(ベイダー)。

    Angelic Plazma(天使のプラズマ)、Animation(アニメーション)、Boba S1E5 Mando(ボバS1E5マンドー)、Darth Maul(ダース・モール)、DSR、Electric Essence(エレクトリック・エッセンス)、Emperor(皇帝)、FallenOrder Calbundle(フォールンオーダー・カルバンドル)、Jump Bike(ジャンプ・バイク)、Jurassic(ジュラシック)、L-Skywalker(ルーク・スカイウォーカー)、Obi EP3(オビ=ワンEP3)、RgueCmdr(ローグ・コマンダー)、Sebulba(セブルバ)、SmthFuzz(スムース・ファズ)、SmthGrey(スムース・グレー)、SmthJedi(スムース・ジェダイ)、StarGate(スターゲート)、TeenysSF(ティーニーズSF)、The Begginer(ザ・ビギナー)、The Prize(ザ・プライズ)、Tracks(トラックス)、TthCrstl(トゥース・クリスタル)、Ultron(ウルトロン)、UnHinged(アンヒンジド)。





    ハンドル×1、ブレード×1、 ツールキット×1、マニュアル×1、ラッキーカード×1、充電コード×1;












    RGB S16コアに含まれる16種類の収録済みサウンドフォント:

    Whispers of Power(力のささやき)、The Teacher(師匠)、The Second(セカンド)、The Learner(学徒)、The Dark Lord Revisited(暗黒卿 再来)、The Champion(チャンピオン)、Serenity(静寂)、Idyll(田園)、Hatred(憎悪)、Dark Ages(暗黒時代)、Cyber Terror(サイバーテロ)、Codex of Light(光の書)、Luke Skywalker(ルーク・スカイウォーカー)、Scavenger Rey(スカベンジャー・レイ)、Ray Skywalker(レイ・スカイウォーカー)、Master Yoda(マスター・ヨーダ)。

    S-RGB & SNV4 Proコアに含まれる27種類の収録済みサウンドフォント:

    Ahsoka(アソーカ)、Anakin(アナキン)、Blue Lady Master(ブルー・レディ・マスター)、Depa(デパ)、Darth Maul(ダース・モール)、Dookula(ドゥークーラ)、DSR、Emperor(皇帝)、Fallen Order Cal(フォールンオーダー・カル)、Frolic Frog(ヨーダ/フロリック・フロッグ)、Graflex IX(Rev 9/グラフレックスIX)、Grumpy Ben(カイロ・レン/グランピー・ベン)、Inquisitor(尋問官)、Luke Skywalker(ルーク・スカイウォーカー)、Mace Windu(メイス・ウィンドゥ)、Mando Saber(マンド・セイバー)、Master Mundi(マスター・ムンディ)、Obi Wan EP3(オビ=ワンEP3)、Quin VOS(クイン・ヴォス)、Revanchist(リヴァンチスト)(青)、Revanchist(リヴァンチスト)(赤)、Temple Guard(テンプルガード)、TFU Secret Apprentice(スターキラー/秘密の弟子)、The Lost Sister(失われた姉妹)、The Princess(プリンセス)、Tulak Hord(トゥラク・ホード)、Vader(ベイダー)。


    Angelic Plazma(天使のプラズマ)、Animation(アニメーション)、Boba S1E5 Mando(ボバS1E5マンドー)、Darth Maul(ダース・モール)、DSR、Electric Essence(エレクトリック・エッセンス)、Emperor(皇帝)、FallenOrder Calbundle(フォールンオーダー・カルバンドル)、Jump Bike(ジャンプ・バイク)、Jurassic(ジュラシック)、L-Skywalker(ルーク・スカイウォーカー)、Obi EP3(オビ=ワンEP3)、RgueCmdr(ローグ・コマンダー)、Sebulba(セブルバ)、SmthFuzz(スムース・ファズ)、SmthGrey(スムース・グレー)、SmthJedi(スムース・ジェダイ)、StarGate(スターゲート)、TeenysSF(ティーニーズSF)、The Begginer(ザ・ビギナー)、The Prize(ザ・プライズ)、Tracks(トラックス)、TthCrstl(トゥース・クリスタル)、Ultron(ウルトロン)、UnHinged(アンヒンジド)。



    ネオピクセル(SNV4 & Proffie)シャーシには、以下の9種類のブレードエフェクトがあります:


    Based on 587 reviews
    Obi-Wan SE
    Michael P. (DE)
    I love it

    Super verarbeitet nur zu empfehlen

    Qimir SE
    Charlie (US)
    Now this is the version I wanted !

    The size is what loved about this saber! Not too big. Snv4 pro is awesome! Fast shipping and good communication!

    Mae (DE)
    Tatooine Lightsaber

    Leider hatte der Kern meines Lichtschwerts nicht funktioniert, der Kundenservice war aber sehr nett und hat mir einen neuen geschickt. Jetzt funktioniert alles und besonders die App (ich habe das SNV4 Pro) macht Spaß, da man dort sehr viele eigene Lichteffekte kreieren kann.
    Die Klinge ist sehr hell, Es gibt viele verschiedene Effekte und theoretisch unendlich Farben (die kann man in der App einstellen).

    Shin Hati
    Saboka T. (US)
    Shin Hati (Proffie 2.2) Review

    This being my first Neopixel Proffie 2.2 lightsaber, I was nothing short of excited to receive my lightsaber after watching a number of unboxing videos, reviews, comparisons, etc... but after receiving it, I've got to say to be honest, I was underwhelmed... I'll make this brief but concise:

    - Emitter, hilt, pommel components are so sturdy and seemingly well built.
    - Though hefty in weight, it's got a good grippy feel to it that's quite comfortable as a result of the textured grip section.
    - The detail is amazing on the hilt... every curve and contour (no hot spots or excessively sharp points), from the hand guard, grip, to the pommel is on point and manufactured well, making it a fine display piece.
    - Comes with a display stand.

    - Package design, though well-secured, was a bit disappointing in regards to the attention to detail. After seeing a number of unboxing videos for this saber price point, I did expect a bit more in regards to the presentation. Package visuals were very generic and plastered with an odd filigree design.
    - D-ring is not securely fastened to the pommel, causing it to pop out from time to time, and has slightly scratched the brushed metal finish.
    - Though a single retention point seems like a good idea in terms of ease of use, would still prefer three (maybe just me) for confidence. That single point doesn't quite feel secure.
    - Speaker was more muffled than I had expected it to be, and during a few light swings, experienced the audio just briefly cutting off/ skipping. Perhaps could be the sound font?
    - Pre-loaded sound fonts, blade styles, and ignition styles on Proffie 2.2 seemed underwhelming. As an example, Luke's sound font sounds nothing like his lightsaber and rather sounds like a peculiar piano/ organ sound.
    - Gesture and button commands are unfortunately not as sensitive as I had originally hoped they would be. Adjusting the volume was a task, and more often than not, the board doesn't pick up flash on clash action via impact on the blade, and requires a substantial amount of force just to register; however doing so on the hilt seems to register better (even after after triple-checking the blade connection). Would love to have received some kind of tutorial instruction for the commands.
    - Unfortunately (though not entirely disastrous), the button for changing sound fonts seems to stick at times causing a failure to register button commands - this was disappointing because the build seemed so on point. At times, I'd have to press and wiggle it to get the appropriate click to engage the command. This perhaps could have been a one-off?
    - Admittedly, receiving the RGB S4 BOGO was one of the appeals when I decided to purchase this Shin Hati lightsaber; however, after receiving was surprised to have received a very generic RGB S4 baselit with what looks to be a 20-24in blade? Would have appreciated to see a bit more detail on the website for the Free Lightsaber deal such as info on blade length and possible designs? Knowing this, I'd probably forgo the offer and would have loved seeing more attention to detail on the package design or a more appealing neopixel blade plug.

    Thank you for your careful comments! We read them verbatim! It's been very beneficial to us.

    The proffie requires some programming data to achieve the precise requirements, so we can not bring everyone a 100% experience, we apologize for some details. We will pay more attention to this and improve it.
    We apologize for not being more clear about the BOGO event on our announcement page.
    Regarding the more attractive plugs for the boxes, our brand is growing step by step and we are already preparing for these more customized designs! Your comments are much appreciated, give us more and better proposals.

    May the Force be with you!✨

    Ani SE
    Wendy L. (US)
    Haven’t Received

    I have been asked to review the Ani SE. I’d love to, but II have yet to receive it.

    Hello, Ani is often out of stock due to its popularity, so orders need to be queued for shipment after replenishment. Your order was shipped last week and is expected to be delivered this week.

    Vader SE
    Cary B. (US)
    My first neopixel saber

    I just needed a saber for cosplay and this one fit the bill! I love the features and the detail is very impressive.

    Thank you for your kindness and may the Force be with you always.

    Ani SE
    Kladdagh (FR)
    Ani SE

    OUTSTANDING Saber !!!!!!!
    It is my Birthday Present from Myself.
    The saber is SO Amazing.
    Beautiful & Sturdy.
    Many Many Thanks.

    Satisfying our customers is our first principle, and we appreciate your positive feedback.

    MV Xeno
    Darcy W. (NZ)

    MV Xeno

    Mando SE
    Jennifer W. (DE)

    Mando SE

    So happy you like the lightsaber!

    Luke EP6
    Mieszko S. (PL)

    Najlepszy zakup jaki zrobiłem

    Cieszymy się, że Ci się podobało!

    Covertec wheel clip
    David G. (DE)
    Sturdy, Good looking, Very cool

    The material is sturdy, the colors are fitting even though I haven't bought my lightsabers from here. The lightsaber look so cool with the fitting clip and you really do feel like a true Jedi or Sith :)

    Thank you for your kind words! I look forward to you enjoying it even more at the next Star Wars event!

    So amazing

    Thank you for your kind words.Obi-Wan EP4 is a sincere work of art and we are very happy that you like it!

    Count Dooku

    So amazing

    Jedi Revan
    jorge n. (US)
    Awesome saber

    The Jedi Revan saber is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I had bought the Darth Revan saber last year and I was finally able to complete the set with the Jedi Revan one. If anyone is thinking of getting it, I say go for it. The only thing that stops it from being 5 stars is the placement of the covertec wheel. It’s not compatible with the one sold in Galaxy’s Edge, and I don’t want to buy a whole new one to be able to wear it so I’ll have to either modify it he wheel, or find a workaround. Great saber nonetheless.

    Thank you very much for your kind words.
    We've spoken to our engineers about the illogical design of the structure and hope to address it in the next update.

    Rebecca S. (US)
    Kylo Ren

    Lightsaber is extremely nice and evenly weighted an amazing replica and my fiance was happy to add it to his collection

    That's what we value! Very happy you guys are enjoying it.

    Sith Lord
    peter j. (GB)
    Excellent Sabre goodness!

    Fantastic piece of kit. Very well machined metal sturdy design and the blade core is easy to use. Brilliantly bright, great effects. 10/10 I love it!

    Thank you for your kind words, this is some of the creativity we have made based on the fine neck lightsaber.

    Cal EP4
    Ghiulia k. (FR)
    Happy delivery!

    Well protected and fast delivery!
    I already planned my next light saber to buy

    Thank you for your kindness. We love the Cal Kestis so much that in addition to the two models we've already released, we released Cal's crossguard lightsaber last week, and we'll be releasing Cal's double-bladed saber in about a month.

    Anakin EP3
    Koren F. (GB)

    Amazing, already left a review but forgot to add video

    Great video, thank you for your kindness.

    Anakin EP3
    Koren F. (GB)
    A dream come true!!!

    Bought this for my boyfriend for his birthday didn't get it till 2 weeks after, but it was worth the wait he has dreamed of having anakin skywalker lightsabe since he was 6 years old. He has not put it down since. Worth its money, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!

    Thank you for your kind words, and stay tuned for our annual rebate program for our loyal customers.

    Nomad Edge
    Greyson M. (US)

    It was amazing way brighter than I expected. Thank you.

    Making our lightsabers loved by our customers is where Superneox's values lie. Thank you for your appreciation.

    Yes, I do
    Victor C.
    Liés par la Force, Unies par l'amour

    Les sabres sont géniaux ! La livraison est arrivée en 1 semaine. Très content d'avoir acheté sur ce site. Le service client est aussi très réactif ! Je recommande.

    Le seul petit bémol, c'est la longueur du texte pour la gravure. Ce n'est pas indiqué (ou je n'ai pas vu !), mais seul des petits textes ou des mots/prénoms peuvent être gravés.

    Merci beaucoup pour votre appréciation.
    En ce qui concerne la question de l'inscription, nous réfléchissons à la manière dont nous pourrions offrir davantage d'options de personnalisation pour les sabres laser. Cela prendra un peu de temps, car la gravure au laser varie d'un sabre laser à l'autre.

    Darth Revan
    Michael G. (US)
    Sick Saber

    I sleep with it on my bedside table, and I wake up wanting to take over the galaxy. Awesome saber, both to display, and whirl around (and to find things in the dark).

    Let's take over the galaxy together!


    Very nice light saber my daughter loved it thank you. She’s a huge Star Wars fan.

    For Christmas 2024, we realized that many of our customers give their kids lightsabers as gifts to make Star Wars dreams come true for the little ones, so we purposely added a 26" blade to hopefully make them safer during the show. This is where the dream begins.

    Vader SE

    I liked the saber in general but the Bluetooth doesn’t work and the app for this needs to be fixed

    Hello, Generally a firmware update fixes Bluetooth connection errors. I learned that the support team is working on fixing your problem.

    Very good