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  • Lame interchangeable en polycarbonate robuste prête pour les duels intensifs.
  • Différentes couleurs/effets de lame modifiables par simple pression sur un bouton ou par un mouvement du poignet.
  • Le Sound Board offre des effets sonores distincts pour une expérience supérieure.
  • De nombreux effets d'éclairage de sabre au choix pour un duel immersif.
  • Profitez d'un balancement fluide et d'un allumage gestuel grâce à des capteurs de mouvement très sensibles.
  • Effet de boucle de flash-on-clash et de verrouillage lorsque deux sabres laser sont en combat.
  • Batterie lithium-ion rechargeable / amovible pour un cosplay toute la journée sans recharge.
  • Réglez le volume du sabre à votre guise ou même coupez-le !

Exclusivité Neopixel (SNV4 Pro et Proffie)

  • Les séquences emblématiques d'allumage et d'arrêt progressifs.
  • Bande LED dynamique de 50 watts pour des effets cinéma immersifs à la volée.
  • LED éclairées indépendamment contrôlées par puce pour des effets réalistes.
  • La lumière et le son fonctionnent ensemble pour une expérience inégalée.
  • Effets de fusion / force / chute pour maximiser la valeur du sabre.
  • Simulation visuelle de la déviation des boulons de blaster.
  • Sabre laser personnalisé via la carte SD 32 Go incluse.
En quoi le cœur est-il différent ?

    Les sabres laser de cosplay de la princesse Leia les plus populaires

    Expédition gratuite dans le monde entier sous 5 à 10 jours

    Retour gratuit sous 30 jours, garantie 1 an

    Paiement 100 % sûr et sécurisé

    Prix ​​les plus bas et garantie de remboursement

    Princess Leia Lightsaber
    Princess Leia Lightsaber
    Princess Leia Lightsaber
    Leia Organa lightsaber
    Princess Leia Lightsaber Hilt
    Princess Leia Lightsaber Handle
    RGB Core Lightsaber Parameters
    Neopixel Core Lightsaber Parameters
    Partial view of Leia&
    Partial view of Leia&
    Partial view of Leia&
    Partial view of Leia&
    Leia lightsaber on the display
    Princess Leia Lightsaber
    Princess Leia Lightsaber
    Princess Leia lightsaber hilt

    Description du produit

    À propos du sabre laser Princess

    Découvrez la puissance et l'élégance du sabre laser Princess, une réplique raffinée de l'arme légendaire de Leia Organa. Conçu pour les vrais passionnés de Star Wars, ce sabre laser recrée le sabre laser emblématique de Leia avec un savoir-faire et des détails inégalés.

    Avec ses courbes élégantes et sa forme élancée, le sabre laser Princess est une véritable œuvre d'art. Du lanceur à la selle, chaque détail reflète le raffinement et la puissance de la princesse Leia. La fine sculpture et le polissage reflètent le tempérament noble de cette arme. La poignée conserve la palette de couleurs traditionnelle du sabre laser de la princesse Leia, avec des tons argent et orange, ajoutant une beauté unique.

    En plus de sa conception artistique, le sabre laser Princess est également très performant, avec un noyau de sabre avancé qui peut produire des effets sonores réalistes et des couleurs brillantes, et peut être commuté librement selon vos propres préférences. De plus, l'allumage et le rebond en douceur offrent une expérience réelle, parfaite pour les duels ou les expositions.

    Embrassez la légende de Leia Organa avec le sabre laser Princess. Que vous soyez un collectionneur fidèle ou un passionné de jeux de rôle, ce sabre extraordinaire vous apportera une expérience et une valeur sans précédent.

    Articles connexes

    Les sabres laser emblématiques de la princesse Leia Organa


    • Date de lancement :24 juin 2024
    • Matériau de la poignée :Alliage d'aluminium 6063
    • Poids de la poignée :0,56 kg
    • Longueur de la poignée :11,3'' (28,7 cm)
    • Diamètre extérieur de la lame :7/8'' (2,2 cm)
    • Longueur de la lame : 32'' (82 cm) / 36'' (92 cm)
    • Matériau de la lame : Polycarbonate amovible
    • Épaisseur de la lame : 2 mm (RVB) / 3 mm (Neopixel)
    • Poids de la lame : 0,16 kg (RVB) / 0,26 kg (Neopixel)

    • Informations sur la batterie : 18650 non protégée, dessus plat, 65 mm
    • Type de chargement : chargement USB, pas de ports PC ! Ne pas utiliser pendant le chargement !
    • Adaptateur : 5 V, 1 A/2 A
    • Temps de charge : 2h (RGB) / 4h (Neopixel)

    Différence de cœur

    CARACTERISTIQUES de base Éclairage de base RVB Néopixel
    RVB S16 SNV4 Pro Proffie V2.2
    Recommandation Économique pour les duels Plus lumineux et plus réaliste Puce open source pour une expérience ultime
    Bluetooth Non Non
    Couleur de la lame 12 12 (multicolore) 12 (personnalisable)
    Police sonore 16 ensembles 27 ensembles (préréglés) 25+ ensembles (préréglés)
    Effet de lame 4 sortes 9 sortes 9+ sortes
    Effet d'allumage Non 11 effets 25 effets,
    modifié avec les polices sonores
    Lumière LED Perles de lampe 12W Bande lumineuse 50 W Bande lumineuse 50 W
    Batterie 18650
    2000mAh 3200mAh 3200mAh
    Allumage gestuel
    Balancement en douceur
    Blaster, Verrouillage,
    Flash sur Clash (FOC)
    Fondre / Forcer /
    Effets de drapé
    Carte SD Non 32 Go 32 Go
    Personnalisation Non Contrôle des applications Correspondance des sons et des couleurs

    Vidéos réelles de Duel au Sabre

    Examen du déballage

    Contenu confidentiel du colis

    Poignée*1, lame*1, Kit d'outils*1, manuel*1, cordon de chargement ou étui de chargement*1 ;

    La boîte du sabre laser ne montre aucune information sur la marque ni aucun détail sur le produit. Les boîtes diffèrent en fonction de la taille de la poignée, de la longueur de la lame et du nombre d'accessoires.


    Qui est SUPERNEOX ?

    Superneox est le partenaire Elite de TXQ, nous proposons uniquement des sabres laser Neopixel de la plus haute qualité et nous acceptons toutes les réparations de sabres TXQ .

    Ces sabres laser sont-ils prêts au combat ?

    Bien sûr, les sabres Superneox sont conçus pour les duels à contact total et peuvent résister à des duels intenses. Nos lames sont fabriquées dans un matériau polycarbonate solide, incassable et légèrement flexible pour éviter qu'elles ne se cassent.

    Combien de couleurs le sabre laser a-t-il ?

    Tous les noyaux comprenaient 12 couleurs de lame :
    Rouge, bleu, jaune, cyan, bleu glacier, vert, rose, orange, violet, rose-vert, rose, blanc.

    Personnalisation illimitée Proffie Core

    Combien de Soundfonts le sabre laser possède-t-il ?

    Le noyau RVB comprenait 16 Soundfonts préinstallées :
    Whispers of Power, The Teacher, The Second, The Learner, The Dark Lord Revisited, The Champion, Serenity, Idyll, Hatred, Dark Ages, Cyber ​​Terror, Codex of Light, Luke Skywalker, Scavenger Rey, Ray Skywalker, Master Yoda.

    Le noyau SNV4 Pro comprenait 27 Soundfonts préinstallées :
    Ahsoka, Anakin, Blue Lady Master, Depa, Dark Maul, Dookula, DSR, Empereur, Fallen Order Cal, Frolic Frog (Yoda), Graflex IX (Rev 9), Grumpy Ben (Kylo Ren), Inquisiteur, Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu , Mando Saber, Master Mundi, Obi Wan EP3, Quin VOS, Revanchist (Bleu), Revanchist (Rouge), Temple Guard, TFU Secret Apprentice (Star Killer), The Lost Sister, The Princess, Tulak Hord, Vader.

    Le noyau Proffie comprenait 25 Soundfonts préinstallées :
    Angelic Plazma, Animation, Boba S1E5 Mando, Dark Maul, DSR, Electric Essence, Empereur, FallenOrder Calbundle, Jump Bike, Jurassic, L-Skywalker, Obi EP3, RgueCmdr, Sebulba, SmthFuzz, SmthGrey, SmthJedi, StarGate, TeenysSF, The Begginer , Le Prix, Tracks, TthCrstl, Ultron, UnHinged.

    Combien d’effets de lame le sabre laser possède-t-il ?

    Le noyau RVB possède 4 effets de lame :
    Stable, impulsion, fantôme, blaster.

    Le noyau Neopixel possède 9 effets de lame :

    Soyez un héros universel


    Based on 384 reviews
    Steve S. (CA)

    Kids loved these. Good quality base and seems pretty durable.

    Thank you for your positive feedback ! We're glad to know you're enjoying our product.😁

    Darth Revan
    j. (US)
    Intro to Neopixel/Proffie saber

    This is the first lightsaber I've purchased (outside of Galaxy's Edge) and its amazing. I purchased it to take with me to Galaxy's Edge on May 4th, and it was easily one of the BRIGHTEST in the park. It's super light compared to my Savi's saber and my Kylo Ren saber I purchased in the park. Quickly became my favorite among my small collection.
    Now if only the other Revan saber was in the shop to complete the look...

    Hello, we actually have another Revan lightsaber, please contact us.

    Absolutely amazing they're great

    I did have a few problems but their customer service was very quick to answer and quick to help got the problem sorted out exceedingly quick

    And though there was a problem they more than made up for it five stars absolutely earned it will be buying from this company again no question

    Highly recommend not only the product but highly recommend the company

    The happiest moment of our day is receiving appreciation from our clients.

    Lightsaber core
    Cristian L. (US)

    Love it

    Kang H.Y. (CA)
    To be honest: best beginner lightsaber

    Im impressed. I got what I expected and wanted. The blade is super bright. Nice sound fonts. The only thing I it could improve on is having a faster and more reactive swing sound. Overall I’m very satisfied.

    Thank you for your valuable comments! This is our driving force for progress✨

    Andrea H. (GB)

    Really well made. My husband has been after a neopixel saber for a while and seized the chance by using it as the centrepiece of the gender reveal for our final baby. The functionality meant a friend could set it up and we had no idea what colour blade we'd ignite. With the blade detached and the blade cap in place, it makes a stunning decorative piece.

    You guys bring a special meaning to the use of lightsabers! Bless you all!

    Obi-Wan SE

    Nice saber!!

    Thank you for your positive feedback. May you be happy every day.✨

    Toby L. (GB)
    Not received

    Had one before arrived within 1 and 1/2 weeks however am still yet to receive this order and have had an email asking me to review

    Hello, We have confirmed that the order was delivered yesterday (September 30th), the reason for the delay is that the free gift in the order was not confirmed by you in time, so it was not shipped on time.

    Saber blade
    Camilla S. (US)
    Sturdy and Duel Ready!

    This blade is not only sturdy enough that I feel comfortable dueling with it, but it's also bright enough that it almost hurts to look at (that's a good thing!)

    Absolutely will buy again!

    Your positive feedback made our day!

    LSW EP7
    Tobias S. (DE)

    Its just a beautiful lightsaber.
    A true Star Wars Fan wants this, for playing/fighting or as an decor on a shelf with the included stand. Its beautifuly made, the details and feeling are astounding. The weight does make you feel like holding a real weapon, a real lightsaber. And it swings just perfect. The weight of the hilt just fits perfectly with the blade. And with the Neopixel-Blade you become a true Jedi.. or Sith.
    10/10 a must have, definetly recommended.

    Thank you very much for your feedback, it is the source of our Force!

    Jedi Artifact
    Tristan W. (CA)

    Great starter. Handkerchief has great weight and feel.

    We're glad that we could meet your expectations.

    Maul SE
    Sunny S.
    Darth Maul Saber

    The Saber is outstanding, it is my first time purchasing a lightsaber and I must say I am obsessed!!! All I need is a stand for it to put on display 🫠

    Thank you for your feedback, at the moment we only have display stands by default for the Master Collection Neopixel Lightsabers, and we'll be looking into giving display stands by default for all pixel lightsabers in the coming year.

    Obi-Wan SE
    Toby L. (GB)
    The negotiator…

    The price point reassured me that this was no ordinary blade, one from a more civilised time… it’s simple in function, all operating from one button, but there are a lot of functions here, and so easy to use. But the quality of the saber is fantastic, good weight, solid build and strikes well.

    Thank you for your review! We are glad to hear that you are enjoying your lightsaber, Your satisfaction is our top priority. May the Force be with you!✨

    Nikola K. (CH)
    I Love it!!

    I bought it as a gift for my best friend and it looks even better in the hand than on the pictures. Know Im thinking to get one for me to because the design and the open crystal looks amazing. Great Work I will just gonna buy lightsabers from you.

    We're glad that we could meet your expectations.✨

    Anakin EP3


    Your positive feedback made our day!😊

    Wellington M. (US)

    The customer service is amazing, always updating me during the delivery process and the Kylo Ren saber, it feels AMAZING! I recommend this to anyone looking for greats products and honest customer service.

    Thank you for recognising our customer service!May the force be with you

    Lightsaber core
    Yeehung C. (GB)
    Great service got product as advertised

    Brilliant service. Waited for my second Core to post review. I must say really happy with both cores and the fonts included were excellent

    We're so glad to hear you had a great experience! Thank you for the positive review.😁


    Another beautiful set of sabers for a terrific value!

    We're glad that we could meet your expectations.

    Saber scabbard
    Christopher C. (US)
    Good choice

    This scabbard pair was compatible with everything I have and it'll be a delight to use them.

    Your positive feedback made our day!✨

    Boone Kestis
    Scott M. (US)
    Boone Kestis

    Sturdy, responsive, my kid loves it

    Thank you for choosing Superneox! May you be happy every day.

    Michael S. (DE)
    Best Budget Luke Neopixel Lightsaber to buy!

    I am really glad that I bought from Superneox. I had a few questions before buying and the live chat answered very fast and good. The Lightsaber didn't work when arrived so I got in the live Chat again and without even seeing in in there hand, they expected the Problem and then it worked. It is the best live chat out there and it was Just perfect. The hilt on the lightsaber is so perfect, it looks Like a Replica but with the button to control. The neopixel is bright, has many options (Sound Fonts etc.) and is also Just perfect. Nothing to complain about. If you want a budget lightsaber that feels Like a 400 Dollar lightsaber you are right here.

    Thank you for your affirmation of our service! It is our pleasure. We will provide better service and new lightsabers.

    Yamini R.
    Exceptional Lightsaber: A Must-Have

    I’m thrilled with my new Japanese lightsaber! The craftsmanship is impeccable, blending traditional elegance with modern technology. The light and sound effects are incredibly immersive, making it perfect for collectors and enthusiasts alike. It's a stunning piece that stands out in any collection. Highly recommended!

    We're glad that we could meet your expectations.

    This instantly brought my saber to life, there is no better product out there, and there is no better company to buy from!

    Shipped within a week, they had the exact parts I needed too! The owner even reached out to me to let me know that they carried this part.

    I cannot reccomend this more! This is the place to buy!

    Thank you for your review! We are glad to hear that you are enjoying your lightsaber!Your satisfaction is our top priority. May the Force be with you!

    L.D. (GB)
    Now the Force will always be with me

    I have been a fan of that galaxy far far away for many years now, and ever since I was a child like most SW fans I wanted a lightsaber just like Luke's.
    I chose the one provided by SuperNeoX for several reasons, which I will now detail.
    Firstly, the price was right. I have done a lot of shopping around and checked many unboxing videos on YouTube and much of what I found gave me the conclusion that SuperNeoX was the most affordable for a good product.
    Secondly, the sound effects. Again, thanks to many YouTube videos I was able to listen to how good the sound effects were, and they sounded stunning. I myself am registered medically blind so for me, the sound effects are everything.
    They are crisp and very clear, every sound perfectly mixed to allow you the full range of movement and ability to make your living room sound like a Rebel ship corridor full of blaster fire, and you the only Jedi standing between your Rebel friends and approaching stormtroopers.
    Thirdly, the design. This particular Luke Skywalker Return of the Jedi blade has several things absolutely right with it.
    Firstly, it does not have the clunky control box, meaning you are able to wield this with a firm double-handed grip, unimpeded by a bulky box. the triangular belt clip on my model seemed very stiff though moveable, which means it does not jiggle around and clatter loudly when I am using my lightsaber.
    Lastly, the SNV4 model I purchased allows the user to link their saber with the Force Park app, which also grants me as a blind person perfect access to all of the features of the saber, such as clash, drag, blaster, lock, and force affects. Due to my lack of vision, I am not able to track the number of times the light flashes to control such things, so the app makes this very accessible for me.
    In short, I feel very satisfied with this product, it feels nice and weighty in my hand, and is clearly constructed from quality parts.

    I would definitely recommend it to any Star Wars fans who have ever dreamed of owning their first lightsaber!

    May the force be with you, always.

    Thank you very much for your appreciation, we will be posting more videos.

    Obi-Wan SE
    Gary H. (US)
    Obi-Wan SE

    Great craftsmanship, overall a very good saber, my only issue is that the Bluetooth feature does not work, I downloaded the app like it says, and it works with another of my sabers but won't connect to this model.

    Thank you for liking our lightsaber. it's our honor.
    Can upgrade your core
    We have specialists to contact you Provide related tutorials