Unmasking the Dark Side: Why Anakin Became Darth Vader

Among the most striking characters in Star Wars is Anakin Skywalker, without a doubt, or Darth Vader. Sure, as a protagonist in the Star Wars series, Anakin has a kind of charm unique to his own character, but when he changes into Darth Vader, that is the moment when he is loved by fans. In whatever form, he is a very interesting being.

Anakin and obiwan

Therefore, when Anakin eventually turned from the light side to the dark side, his reasons were always mysterious and attracted numerous people's attention. In this article, let's dig deep to ascertain the case of Anakin's change and why he traversed such a path deeply, and therefore bring out the secrets of his plunge into darkness.

The Downward Journey of Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker's change from being a Jedi Knight and becoming the frightful Sith Lord Darth Vader has got to be the biggest shocking turn of the Star Wars legend. How did this wonderful man called the Chosen One fall into the hands of the dark side of the Force?

That Anakin had much potential and talent was discovered by the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn when he was still a young boy, which made Qui-Gon thin that Anakin was the to-be-prophesied Chosen One that would bring about balance in the Force. Anakin was praised by many for his prodigious talents and ability, and in very little time, he had become one of the Order's most potent Jedi Knights. But behind this promise, the young man was struggling with internal turmoil, emotional conflicts, and external pressures that would eventually lead his fate into the Dark Side of the Force.

Anakin's Burden

The Jedi prophecy of Anakin Skywalker bringing balance into the Force has shaped his life yet burdened him. The moment Qui-Gon Jinn discovered Anakin on Tatooine and realized the extraordinary potential within him, the burden of this prophecy rested upon Anakin. This set him apart from just another talented Jedi Knight to the galaxy's greatest hope for the future.

Much was expected of Anakin. This immense pressure burdened his will and actions because he wanted valor for his so-called destiny. The prophecy, therefore, was a double-edged sword: on one side, it gave inspiration to seek greater fulfillment, and on the other, it was a psychological burden.

All the deeds of Anakin had grown up along with a deep sense of awareness that they were judged upon against the prophecy. Such an awareness put him in a constant state of self-doubt and anxiety about doing the right thing and making correct choices. Too often compelled by the feeling that he needs to live up to the prophecy, he would act impetuously, which in turn moved him toward the dark side of the Force.

Anakin Skywalker'sPersonal Tragedy

Anakin Skywalker's transition to the dark side received overwhelming influence from personal experiences. These experiences led him finally to become one of the most dreaded persons in the galaxy, the Darth Vader.

His first and the most crucial personal experience to overcome was the death of Shmi Skywalker. When Anakin became a young Padawan learner of the Jedi Order, he was forcefully taken away from his mother. This kept a charge of guilt and helplessness in him. Years later, when he finally returned to Tatooine, he found his mother kidnapped and tortured by Tusken Raiders. Try as he might, Shmi died in his arms. For Anakin, it was devastating; he felt an overwhelming wave of anger and sorrow. It was at this moment, in grief, that the power of the Dark Side was first shown to Anakin, and he gave in to his anger, slaughtering a whole camp of Tusken Raiders. This was the first step towards his final fall.

Anakin Skywalker

This fear was compounded by the fact that he had secretly taken a wife, Padmé Amidala. Anakin loved Padmé deeply and continued to fear for her safety and well-being. Fear that he might lose her was heightened by his visions of Padmé dying in childbirth. These visions haunted him, driving him to do whatever it took to prevent this foreseeable tragedy.

Anakin could not bear his loss, with the desperate will to save someone loved pushing him further into the hands of the dark forces. Desperate to prevent the loss of Padmé, he went on a dangerous road to acquire power to save her. At this point, Emperor Palpatine exploited the desperation of promising Anakin power to stop death through the dark side of the Force. It was Anakin's most profound fear: Padmé's death. Hence, Palpatine presented to him the hope of saving Padmé in exchange for pledging allegiance to the Sith.

Palpatine's Manipulation

Another significant character that aided in the manipulation of Anakin Skywalker to his downfall to the Dark Side was Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious. Being a Sith Lord, his main goal is to establish power over the galaxy through the destruction of the Jedi Order. For this, he required the services of a very strong apprentice, and an opportune chance came with Anakin Skywalker. His manipulation of Anakin was a process of gradual calculation, only designed to take advantage of the things Anakin feared.

He realized the potential of Anakin from the very beginning and started developing this bond. Palpatine did it in a subtle way because he showered Anakin with all those compliments and acknowledgment, which the Jedi Council hardly ever did. And doing so, he made Anakin feel approved of, identified with, and encouraged loyalty and trust in Palpatine as well.

Anakin Skywalker

Palpatine would seed this thought in Anakin's ear gradually about the council of Jedi. He continuously brought forth the idea that the Jedi were hypocritical, prudes in spirit, and unable to empathize with Anakin's special gifts and potential. He would always make Anakin question the motives of the Jedi, and these inklings would continue and grow to the point where Anakin felt more and more isolated by and misunderstood by the Jedi Council.

As for Anakin, Palpatine played off his fear of loss, promising him both power and the means to prevent death by using premonitions of Padmé's fate. He told Anakin the legend of the Sith known as Darth Plagueis the Wise, a Dark Lord with the power to prevent death and create life. This story directly gives Anakin the idea of saving Padmé and also compels him to join the dark side.

Jedi Conflicts and Misunderstandings

Jedi usually went by a very fixed code of behavior, which mostly contradicted the feelings of Anakin Skywalker, thus putting huge internal conflicts in him. The contradiction of teachings and lives in the experiences and desires of Anakin led to his very apparent disillusionment with the Jedi Order, and upsurge in turning to the dark side.

The Jedi Code demanded that all the Jedi remain emotionally rational and free from any feelings of a personal nature. This was very constraining to Anakin because he so highly valued personal relationships.

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Anakin also felt irritation in the decisions taken by the Jedi Council and their actions. The Council, most of the time, literally did not trust him or believe in the full use of his powers. This was evinced when the Council denied him the title of a Jedi Master, despite countless chances and measures made in this regard. Anakin took this as full trust that led to the feelings of resentment and betrayal.

The rigidity of the Jedi Code was a very large part of Anakin's frustration with the whole Jedi Order. He would believe that the Jedi were incapable of facing up to and doing what real life presented to them. He would grow even more disenchanted at the beginning, when Palpatine started working on his feelings towards the Jedi Order, making it feel like what Anakin felt. He now would become even more suspicious and hence more attracted to the dark side.

From the Star Wars theme

According to my personal understanding, the theme expressed by Star Wars is extremely that even the most righteous organizations may decline because of arrogance, ignoring internal corruption and external threats. The real heroes may not be those who have the most power, but those who are willing to face and understand their inner conflicts and refuse to go to extremes. Even in the darkest times, a person's courage, compassion and understanding may change the world.

Based on this theme, I have a new understanding of why Anakin became Darth Vader: Anakin's growth experience and end are actually the opposite of Luke, and also a metaphor for the environment.

He was born in the heyday of the Jedi Order. Although the Jedi Knights had a lot of power and resources, they failed to prevent the decline of the Republic. The reason is that they ignored the internal corruption and external threats. The Jedi Knights were too confident that they failed to see Palpatine's conspiracy. In addition, they also ignored Anakin Skywalker's inner conflict, which eventually led to his fall and became Darth Vader. In contrast, Luke Skywalker did not have the resources and guidance of the Jedi Order in the era of the Jedi Knights' decline, but he still successfully restored the balance of the Force. The reason is that he was able to see the kindness in Anakin's heart, and he refused to go to extremes. Instead of being controlled by anger and fear, he chose sympathy and understanding. This enabled him to break the vicious cycle, save his father, and save the entire galaxy.

The Jedi Order in its heyday failed to prevent the disintegration of the Republic and the emergence of the Empire, but the lone apprentice saved the galaxy. The Empire seemed to have won by completely destroying its old enemy, the Jedi Knights, but it only lasted for a few decades.

This is the way to balance the Force, and Anakin's fate is also, always following this, and ultimately cannot escape this fate.

Last Redemption of Anakin

The fall of Anakin into the dark side as Darth Vader would have far-reaching impacts on the state of the galaxy. As the ultimate enforcer of Emperor Palpatine's tyranny, Vader would lead the Empire in crushing any resistance and annihilating the Jedi Order. His atrocity would bring about fear and terror, bringing down everywhere in the galaxy on the people during his time.

Still, Anakin's book of life was closely intertwined with his children, Luke and Leia. What he didn't know for years was that his twin children would grow up to become key figures in the fight against the Empire. Luke Skywalker became one very strong key in Anakin's redemption. As he trained to become a Jedi Knight, Luke never once questioned the potential for good in his father. Eventually, that strong belief in Anakin would prove his ticket to being rescued from the dark side.

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As in Return of the Jedi, when Luke confronted Vader and Palpatine trying to save his father and destroy the Sith, Luke showed powerful love and compassion to not kill his own father, even at the expense of his own life. It was an act of mercy and powerful emotional appeal to what remained of Anakin's humanity that brought about a great struggle in Vader. Anakin was finally loosed from the thrall of the Dark Side. Ultimately, he sacrificed himself to destroy Palpatine and, in so doing, bring about salvation for Luke and balance to the Force.

 Anakin's effect on the character, morality, and ultimate destiny of the Star Wars saga was far-reaching. His redemption was a core factor behind the victory of the Rebels over the Empire. The lessons learned from his fall and redemption still echo across time to future generations of Jedi.


The above are the deep reasons why Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader. In these events, we can see that Anakin is a sensitive and emotional person. It is precisely because of this unexpected transformation that the image of this character is more full and more charming, and we can also be deeply attracted to him.

(Above images are from the internet)