Is Snoke really Darth Sidious?

Snoke's mysterious existence lingers in the Star Wars universe, sparking debate about his true identity and origins. As the supreme leader of the First Order, Snoke's every move hints that he has a deep connection with the dark forces. The debate about his origins also started from this, and his relationship with Darth Sidious has aroused strong curiosity among fans, and some people have also come up with the identity of the two being the same person. What is the truth? In this article, Snoke's true identity will be revealed in detail.

The origin of Snoke

Snoke's origin is one of the most mysterious mysteries in the Star Wars saga. Snoke appeared almost suddenly in Star Wars. Although he is the supreme leader of the First Order, the orthodox materials only provide sporadic hints about his origins, which has also sparked countless debates. Many speculate that his birth may be related to ancient dark energy or Sith experiments.

Yoda vs Palpatine

A popular theory is that Snoke was not born in the traditional sense, but was created through the fusion of dark science and Sith alchemy. On the secret world of Exegol, the Sith Eternal Cult used advanced cloning technology combined with forbidden rituals to create a life form capable of wielding tremendous Force power. This evidence suggests that Snoke's scarred appearance and powerful abilities may be the accidental result of defects in the cloning process or experimental cloning.

Another theory is that Snoke is related to the ancient heritage of the dark forces. Snoke is not just an artificial person, he represents the revival of the original energy of the Sith. The dark side itself has the temptation of corruption and mysterious power. It may have resurrected an ancient Sith in a form that goes against traditional understanding. Therefore, some people speculate that Snoke is Darth Plagueis.

Why is Snoke so powerful?

Snoke has overwhelming power because he has mastered the dark power and his creation process is very unique. Through Sith alchemy and advanced cloning technology, Snoke was designed to be an unparalleled dark energy channel. This deliberately injected dark science gives him precise control of the Force, allowing him to perform abilities such as telekinesis, mind control, and Force lightning with extraordinary power.

Supreme Leader Snoke

Snoke’s power is further amplified by the corrosive influence of the dark side. In Star Wars, the dark side is more than just a source of raw energy; it thrives on emotion, aggression, and pain. Snoke’s demeanor echoes the traits of a traditional Sith Lord, and this combination of strength and dark side energy makes him a formidable figure.

Snoke’s Role in Shaping the First Order

Snoke’s leadership played a major role in the creation and evolution of the First Order. Under his rule, the remnants of the fallen Galactic Empire united into a powerful militaristic regime that not only sought to restore lost glory, but also embraced a radical new ideology rooted in the dark side of the Force, transforming the scattered Imperial loyalists into a coherent and disciplined organization, laying the foundation for the revival of dictatorial power in the galaxy.

From an organizational perspective, Snoke imposed a strict hierarchical structure, and relied on fear to ensure the loyalty of First Order personnel was maintained. By delegating responsibility to trusted officers like General Hux and meticulously overseeing military operations, he transformed a group of chaotic remnants into a centralized force capable of executing large-scale coordinated attacks.

Ideologically, Snoke redefined what it meant to be a dark side leader in the post-Imperial world. His teachings stressed power, domination, and the need to break with the old democratic order, replacing it with a ruthless dark side faith.

​Snoke’s Death: Why Sidious Let Him Die

Snoke’s death in The Last Jedi is one of the most controversial moments in the sequel trilogy, and his sudden death can be seen as a carefully planned sacrifice by Emperor Palpatine. Studying Snoke reveals a pattern consistent with the Sith’s long-standing manipulative tactics. Throughout the saga, the Sith have consistently used proxies to exert control while hiding their true intentions. In this case, Snoke’s fall at the hands of Kylo Ren was not a spontaneous act of rebellion, but rather a final test designed to catalyze his apprentice’s transformation. By orchestrating Kylo Ren’s victory over his mentor, Palpatine ensured that dark side leadership ultimately shifted to his direct sphere of influence.

However, an alternative interpretation suggests that Snoke’s sudden death could also indicate a miscalculation on the part of the Sith Eternals. The sudden death of a dominant figure could bring about a weakness that could destabilize the First Order's command structure.

Snoke vs Darth Plagueis

For years, theories have circulated among fans linking Snoke to Darth Plagueis, arguing that the mysterious Supreme Leader could actually be Snoke. This idea was proposed because of the similarities between the two characters in terms of dark side mastery and mysticism. They believe that Snoke and Darth Plagueis share the same ancient evil power in their shadowy origins and corrupt visages.

However, a closer look at the canon evidence dispels this speculation, Palpatine directly created Snoke as a separate entity as an agent of his own dark ambitions. Further differences become apparent when their bodies are compared. Darth Plagueis, a member of the Muun race, is characterized by unique features that are different from those of ordinary humans. With his grotesque and scarred appearance, Snoke does not display the refined physical qualities that the Muuns possess, and his backstory does not provide any direct connection to Plagueis's lineage.


In conclusion, Supreme Leader Snoke's mysterious presence in the Star Wars sequel trilogy is a testament to the enduring influence of the dark side and the complex machinations of Emperor Palpatine. Snoke's scarred visage and majestic demeanor not only symbolize the corruption caused by the dark side, but also highlight the Sith's willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain their rule. Through Snoke's exploration, the Star Wars legend is enriched.


1. Is Snoke actually an incarnation of Emperor Palpatine?

Snoke is not an incarnation of Palpatine. He is an independent entity created by Palpatine as his agent to control the First Order.

2. How was Snoke created?

Snoke is a "gene chain mold", an artificial creature designed by Emperor Palpatine through cloning technology on the Sith planet Exegol.

3. Does Snoke have his own consciousness and personality?

Yes, Snoke has his own consciousness and personality, and operates independently to a certain extent, although he is ultimately influenced by Palpatine.

4. Why did Palpatine create Snoke instead of revealing himself?

Palpatine created Snoke to operate in the shadows, allowing him to manipulate events and rebuild his power base without revealing his survival after the events of Return of the Jedi.

5. How did Snoke rise to power in the First Order?

Palpatine made Snoke the Supreme Leader of the First Order, using his dark side abilities and strategic acumen to command and expand its influence.

6. What did Snoke's death mean for Palpatine's plans?

Snoke's death allowed Kylo Ren to become the new Supreme Leader, further destabilizing the galaxy and paving the way for Palpatine to reveal himself and attempt to reclaim ultimate power.