In our galactic quest, Superneox strives to satisfy Star Wars fans with premier neoxipel lightsabers. Yet, we humbly acknowledge that our path to perfection is an ongoing endeavor.
To spread awareness of our galactic presence and to welcome more kindred souls into the realm of Superneox, we unveil the Padawan Prize. It is an opportunity for newcomers and seasoned warriors alike to forge a connection with Superneox and partake in the marvels we have to offer.
Methods of Participation:
- Create detailed tutorial videos, such on: saber combat forms, saber choreography, saber spinning, saber customization, saber modification...
- Share your saber tutorial to
- Make a great video of your lightsaber performance.
- The video should be between 1 to 3 minutes in duration.
- Use the #Superneox hashtag to share on social and @Superneox.
- Design and customize your own unique saber hilt.
- Submit your design along with a brief description explaining the inspiration behind it.
Reward Rules
1. Padawan Prizes
- Tutorial Category: The winning entry will be posted on YouTube @Superneox, and the winner will receive a latest lightsaber (Proffie core).
- Performance Category: The top performer will be eligible to try out the new lightsaber and a feature on our website and social media platforms.
- Design Category: The winning design will be considered for production as an exclusive Superneox saber, and the designer will receive a prototype of their design and 5% commission on all sales of the product during the year.
2. Selection of Winners:
- Winners will be selected based on creativity, skill, and adherence to the theme.
- The prize is awarded on a monthly basis.
- The winner will be announced on the 4th of the next month.
- The prize will be converted to $100, $200 or $50 to invest in our Lightsaber Giveaway if there is no suitable winner.
3. Notification and Prize Claiming
- Winners will be notified via email or direct message on the platform used for participation.
- Winners must respond within 7 days to claim their prizes. Failure to do so may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner.

Aspiring apprentices shall demonstrate their allegiance to the Force and their passion for Star Wars by showcasing their skills, knowledge, and creativity. Whether through dazzling lightsaber performances, ingenious lightsaber designs, or captivating fan art, participants shall illuminate the galaxy with their boundless talent.
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Prize Enquiry -
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