The Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU), also known as Star Wars Legends, refers to a vast collection of books, comics, games, and other media created prior to 2014 that expand the Star Wars universe beyond the scope of the films. The Expanded Universe was officially classified as non-canon when Lucasfilm redefined the Star Wars canon in 2014.
The Expanded Universe was created by various writers, artists, and developers licensed by Lucasfilm to explore and expand the Star Wars universe. It included a wide range of stories covering different time periods, characters, and events outside of the main film saga.
Table of Contents
- III. Overview of Legendary Works
- 1. The First Republic Era
- 2. The Age of the Old Republic
- 3. The Age of Rising Empires
- 4. Age of Rebellion
- 5. New Republic Era
- 6. New Jedi Order Era
- 7. The Era of Inheritance
III. Overview of Legendary Works
The following overview of Star Wars lore is based on the timeline within the work, regardless of when the work itself was published. For purposes of categorization and statistics, the publisher has divided the Star Wars timeline into seven eras:
1. The First Republic Era
As the name implies, the Pre-Republican Era is the time before the founding of the Galactic Republic. There is no upper limit to this era; the lower limit is the founding of the Galactic Republic, approximately 25,000 years before A New Hope.
The only work currently set in this era is Dawn of the Jedi, both the novel and the manga. Story Synopsis:
Over 10,000 years ago, for reasons unknown, nine mysterious ships sent Force-sensitives from many races across the galaxy to the deep-core planet of Tessan. These Force-sensitives were known as Jedi, and their organization was called the Jedi Order. For more than 10,000 years, their descendants have colonized the entire Tessan system - the Force-sensitive living primarily on Tessan and the non-Force-sensitive on other planets. The Tessans have always hoped to make contact with the rest of the galaxy and explore the secrets of their ancestors, but have never succeeded due to technological limitations. Meanwhile, the Rakata, who had founded the Infinite Empire, sought to conquer the various Force-sensitive worlds of the galaxy. They launched an invasion of the Tessan system that failed miserably. The people of Tessan defeated the invaders.

The Jedi Order, which honored the balance between the light and dark sides of the Force, later evolved into the Jedi Order, which honored only the light side. The Force-sensitives who honored the dark side of the Force were known as the "Dark Jedi" and were met with hostility by the Jedi. However, there is no literature on the transformation of Jedi into Jedi other than the setting books.
2. The Age of the Old Republic
The upper limit of the Age of the Old Republic is the founding of the Galactic Republic, and the lower limit is the Rusan Reforms of the Galactic Republic, about 1,000 years before A New Hope.
The first 20,000 years or so of the Age of the Old Republic is a literary void. The first work of this era begins about 5,000 years before A New Hope, the comic book collection Legends of the Jedi. Story Synopsis:
The Sith Empire, formed by the fusion of Dark Jedi and Sith, has been remote and prosperous for 1000 years. After a hyperspace route between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire is accidentally opened, the Sith Empire launches a massive invasion of the Galactic Republic and a hyperspace war. As a result, the Sith Empire was pushed back by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi, and eventually collapsed. The remnants of the Sith Empire were exiled to the Unknown Regions. Thus began the feud between the Jedi and the Sith. A thousand years later, the Dark Jedi Exar Kurn and Ulric Kyle Droma, who had embraced the Sith culture, joined forces with the Kraath religious order and the Mandalorians to start the Sith War in an attempt to overthrow the Galactic Republic, but failed miserably.
The story that takes place after Legends of the Jedi is the Samurai of the Old Republic comic book series. The comic series was followed by the single-player games Samurai of the Old Republic and Samurai of the Old Republic II: Lords of the Sith. Then came the Old Republic series, which included online games, novels, and comics. Story summary:
The remnants of the Sith Empire, the true Sith, entice the Mandalorian leader Ultimate Mandalore to start the Mandalorian War and invade the Galactic Republic, only to be defeated by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi. During this war, two important Jedi heroes rose to prominence, Raven and Malak. After learning that the Sith were not extinct, they traveled to the Unknown Regions to investigate the truth, only to be brainwashed by the 1,000-year-old Sith Emperor Vish'et, fall to the Dark Side, embrace the Sith culture, and become Sith Lords. They turned their weapons around and attacked the Galactic Republic, starting the Jedi Civil War. The Jedi used a trap to successfully re-brainwash Raven, who then helped the Republic defeat Malak and went deeper into the Unknown Regions to find the true Sith. Remnants of the Sith in the Known Zone launched the First Jedi Purge, but were stopped by a female Jedi, Mitra Surik. Surik later followed Raven to the Unknown Regions. After Raven and Surik failed to assassinate Vishiet, Raven was placed in stasis, Surik physically died, and the Empire remained with Raven. Three hundred years later, Vishiet led the Sith Empire and the Eternal Empire in invasions of the Known Regions, both of which ended in failure.

Then there's a gap of more than 1,000 years in the literature, jumping directly to about 2,000 years before A New Hope. This is the time period of the Rogue series, both novels and comics. At the end of this time period is the Darth Bane literary series, including the trilogy of novels of the same name, as well as the comic Jedi vs. Sith. Story Synopsis:
The New Sith War, a millennia-long war between the New Sith Empire, founded by Sith Lord Darth Ruin, and the Galactic Republic, breaks out. The Republic was drastically reduced in size and entered a "Dark Age"; the New Sith Empire was divided and warlords were at each other's throats. At the end of the war, Lord Kahn united the Sith under the Dark Brotherhood against the Jedi Army of Light, led by Lord Hoth. The two armies fought a decisive battle on the planet Rusan, with the Light side losing badly and the Dark Brotherhood destroyed. After the battle, Darth Bane reformed the Sith system, creating the "Law of Two" and sending the Sith underground. The Republic implemented the Rusan Reforms, abolishing the standing army and retaining only a judicial force. The Jedi became the Republic's "peacekeepers.
3. The Age of Rising Empires
The upper limit of the Age of Rising Empires is the Russian Reformation, and the lower limit is the Battle of Yavin between the Galactic Empire and the Boxer Alliance, the story of A New Hope.
During the 1,000 years of the Age of the Rise of the Empire, most of the works are set in the last 100 years. This period is very rich in works. The films of the prequel trilogy belong to this period, in addition to a large number of animated films, novels, comics and games. The different works are related to each other and complement each other. The major works of this era are the prequel trilogy films and the companion books and games to the Clone Wars animated series, the Clone Wars animated miniseries, and the Force Unleashed multimedia project. It's important to note that the Darth Bane trilogy is actually a cross-genre work - its first half is set in the Old Republic era, and its second half is set in the Rise of the Empire era. Story Synopsis:
After a thousand years of Baneite Sith rule, especially under the secret leadership of Sith Supreme Lord Darth Plagueis, the latent Sith Supreme Lord Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic through intrigue. He used the people's dissatisfaction with the corruption of the Republic to secretly form an independent Galactic Confederacy, directed the Clone Wars to weaken the Jedi and increase the people's disillusionment with democracy, and finally claimed the title of Emperor to reorganize the Republic into the Galactic Empire, and together with his own apprentice, Sith Exalted Lord Darth Vader, launched a great purge against the Jedi.
4. Age of Rebellion
The upper limit of the Age of Sedition is the Battle of Yavin, and the lower limit is the founding of the New Republic, four years after A New Hope. The Age of Insurrection is the shortest of the seven eras, lasting just over four years. But it holds a special place among the seven eras. The Age of Uprising was the earliest of the eras to be born, due to the fact that the main trilogy of movies was set in this era decades ago.

The main works of the Age of Uprising are the companion books and games to the main trilogy and the Shadows of the Empire multimedia project. Story Synopsis:
More than a decade after the founding of the Galactic Empire, humans rise up and form a coalition of rebels to wage a galactic civil war. Among the leaders of the rebellion are Darth Vader's twin children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. The Black Sun, the largest underworld organization in the galaxy, suffered a major defeat in the civil war. At the Battle of Endor, both Palpatine and Darth Vader are killed. The Boxer Alliance begins a gradual victory.
5. New Republic Era
The upper limit of the New Republic Era is the founding of the New Republic, and the lower limit is the outbreak of the Yuuzhan Vong War, 25 years after A New Hope.
Similar to the Rise of the Empire and Rebellion eras, the works of the New Republic era feature diverse forms and intertwining plots. The following is a brief introduction to the major works:
The Bakura Incident Novel: The Rebel Alliance and the Imperial garrison of the Bakura system join forces to repel the Ssi-ruuvi invasion.
Marvel Comics' "Star Wars" series, beginning with issue #96 and ending with issue #107: After the Rebel Alliance reorganizes itself into the New Republic, it is forced to defend the galaxy against the Nagai invasion. Halfway through the battle, however, the Nagai's archenemy, the Tof species, arrives. The Nagai and the successor to the Rebel Alliance, the New Republic, form an alliance to deal with the Tof. After the Tof are defeated, a few Nagai join the new government of the galaxy, while the majority of the Nagai continue to pursue the Tof.
Novel "Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor: The New Republic eliminates Cronal, the former minister of intelligence for the Empire and a prophet of the Dark Side.
X-Wing" Novel, Books 1, 2, 3, and 4: The New Republic defeats another Minister of Intelligence for the Empire, Ysanne Isard, and liberates the capital city of Coruscant and the strategic location of Thyferra.
X-Wing" Novel, Books 5, 6, and 7: The New Republic defeats the Imperial warlord Zsinj.
Novel "The Courtship of Princess Leia": The Hapes Consortium allies with the New Republic, and the New Republic finally eliminates the Warlord Zsinj. Leia and Han Solo are married.
Novel "The Truce at Bakura: The Solos return to Bakura and learn of the origins of Anakin Skywalker and his mother.
Novel "The Thrawn Trilogy": Imperial military genius Grand Admiral Thrawn revitalizes the Empire and inflicts heavy damage on the New Republic, but eventually dies in a rebellion by those close to him. Leia gives birth to twins: Jaina and Jacen Solo.
X-Wing" Novel, Book 8: The New Republic finally eliminates Ysanne Isard and the Imperial warlord Krennel.

Comic series "Dark Empire" trilogy: Emperor Palpatine is resurrected using the technique of essence transfer and cloning. He briefly leads an army to retake Coruscant, but is killed again by the Jedi. Leia gives birth to her youngest son, Anakin Solo.
Novel "Jedi Academy Trilogy": Luke rebuilds the Jedi Academy and establishes a new order of Jedi Knights, eliminating the spirit of Exar Kun. The New Republic defeats the Imperial fleet under Admiral Daala.
Crimson Empire comic book trilogy: With the help of former Imperial Imperial Guard member Kir Kanos, the New Republic successfully defeats the remnants of the Empire led by Carnor Jax and Xandel Carivus, an Imperial warlord.
Novel "Children of the Jedi": The New Republic defeats former Imperial Empress Roganda Ismaren and her illegitimate son.
Novel "Darksaber": The Hutts fail to construct the "Dark Saber" superweapon. The New Republic defeats the remnants of the Empire led by Admiral Daala, and Gilad Pellaeon takes control of the Imperial remnants.
Novel "Planet of Twilight: The New Republic puts down the rebellion on the planet Nam Chorios, and Admiral Daala officially retires.
Novel "X-Wing," Book 9: A New Republic emissary resolves the unrest on the planet Adumar, and Adumar forms an alliance with the New Republic.
Novel "The Crystal Star": The New Republic eliminates former Imperial leader Hethrir.
Novel "The Black Fleet Crisis" Trilogy: The New Republic resolves a diplomatic crisis with the Yuuzhan Vong and successfully prevents the Yuuzhan Vong from launching a genocidal campaign within the Koornacht Cluster.
Novel "The New Rebellion": The New Republic eliminates the Dark Jedi Kueller.
Novel "The Corellian Trilogy": The New Republic successfully suppresses the Corellian Rebellion.
Novel "The Hand of Thrawn" Duology: The New Republic and the Galactic Empire (Imperial Remnant) sign a peace treaty recognizing each other, officially ending the Galactic Civil War.
Comic book series "Union": Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade.
6. New Jedi Order Era
The upper limit of the New Jedi Order Era is the outbreak of the Yuuzhan Vong War, and the lower limit is the end of the Swarm War, which is 37 years after "A New Hope".

There aren't many works in the New Jedi Order era, consisting mainly of the "New Jedi Order" novel series, the "Invasion" comic series, and the "Dark Nest Trilogy" novel series. Here's a summary of the story:
The Yuuzhan Vong from beyond the galaxy launch a brutal invasion war against the New Republic. Chewbacca, Han Solo's close comrade, makes a heroic sacrifice early in the war. Han Solo's young son, Anakin Solo, also dies in battle during the middle stages of the war. The Yuuzhan Vong briefly capture the galactic capital of Coruscant, and the New Republic's head of state dies. The New Republic is forced to reorganize itself into the Galactic Alliance. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong are defeated by the Galactic Alliance. During the war, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade have a child named Ben Skywalker. Five years later, the Killiks of the Unknown Regions cause the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War, but are successfully suppressed by the Galactic Alliance under the leadership of Head of State Cha Niathal.
7. The Era of Inheritance
The upper limit of the Inheritance Era is the end of the Swarm War, and there is no lower limit for this era.
The first work of the Era of Inheritance is the novel series "Force Heritage". Here is a brief summary of the story:
In order to quickly rebuild the galaxy and prevent the tragedy of the Madman's War from happening again, the central authority of the Galactic Alliance becomes stronger and stronger. This severely suppresses the sense of national honor and economic growth rates of worlds such as Corellia, Bothawui, Commenor, and Fondor. At the instigation of the hiding Sith Dark Lady Lumiya, these worlds rebel and form a confederation to seek independence. The Second Galactic Civil War breaks out. At the same time, Lumiya tempts Han Solo's eldest son, Jacen Solo, to fall to the dark side. Jacen first serves as a colonel in the Galactic Alliance Guard and then stages a military coup with the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, Cha Niathal, to seize power. Together, the two assume the position of co-heads of state. Driven by the Dark Side, Jacen's methods become increasingly ruthless. He eventually kills his aunt Mara Jade and becomes the Sith Lord Darth Caedus, while Lumiya is killed by Luke. Jacen's actions cause Luke and Niathal to abandon him one by one and form the Jedi Coalition and the government of the Alliance in Exile to oppose Jacen. To win over the remnants of the Empire, Jacen also tacitly allows Tahiri Veila to assassinate the head of the Imperial remnant, Gilad Pellaeon. This leads Admiral Daala to reappear with her irregular Deep Core fleet and confront Jacen. Jacen is eventually killed by his twin sister, Jaina Solo. The Jedi Coalition and the exiled Alliance government return to the Galactic Alliance, and Daala is elected head of state. The Imperial remnant accepts Jagged Fel as head of state. The Confederation, the Imperial Remnant, and the Galactic Alliance return to the negotiating table, ending the Second Galactic Civil War.

This is immediately followed by the "Fate of the Jedi" novel series, a nine-volume series, the 10th novel in the "X-Wing" series, and the novel "Crucible". Here is a short summary of the story:
After the end of the Second Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Alliance places the blame for the war on the Jedi, forcing Luke Skywalker and his son into exile. The Skywalkers, father and son, visit various Force-sensitive organizations such as the Baran Do Sages, Aing-Tii Monks, Mind Walkers, Dathomiri Witches, Fallanassi, and the Jal Shey in their quest to uncover the reasons behind Jacen's fall to the Dark Side. During their exile, they encounter the descendants of the Sith Empire, the Lost Tribe of the Sith, and the ancient and powerful Force-wielder Abeloth.
On Coruscant, Daala's suppression of the Outer Rim slave rebellion sparks public outrage, and the Jedi's suppression of Daala fuels hostility toward the Jedi. With popular support, the Jedi launch a military coup to overthrow Daala, and the Galactic Alliance is temporarily ruled by a triumvirate that includes Jedi Grand Master Saba Sebatyne. Luke's trial is also overturned. After Luke returns to Coruscant, he realizes that the Sith and Abeloth have infiltrated the planet and decides to evacuate the Jedi Order from Coruscant. This leads to the dissolution of the Triumvirate. The Sith and Abeloth manipulate the Council's temporary election of a head of state. A female senator, disguised as Abeloth, is eventu|ally elected temporary head of state of the Galactic Alliance.
As a result, the Jedi and Galactic Alliance military launch an offensive against the Sith on Coruscant, while simultaneously searching for a way to defeat Abeloth. As each of Abeloth's avatars is eliminated and the Sith are defeated one by one, peace is restored to the galaxy. However, the Jedi no longer settle on Coruscant, and another Sith organization called the "One Sith" rises to power after assisting the Jedi in defeating Abeloth. The Galactic Empire holds its first election, and General Vitor Reige is elected as the Empire's first democratically elected leader. Jagged Fel is replaced as head of state. General Stavin Thaal, Commander of the Galactic Alliance Army, and Borath Maduous, Director of the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service, are arrested and removed from power on charges of treason. A year later, the Krayt brothers, who were attempting to control the galactic economy, are eliminated by Luke, Leia, Han, and other old heroes in the mysterious Chiloon Rift Nebula.

Then there was a gap of almost 100 years, jumping directly to the famous comic series "Legacy". "Legacy" is a two volume comic series consisting of 74 issues. Here is a summary of the story:
After experiencing the fires of the Clone Wars, witnessing the brutality of the First Galactic Civil War, and enduring the madness of the Yuuzhan Vong War, former Jedi Master Asharad Hett receives a revelation from the holocron of Sith Lord Darth Krayt. He falls to the dark side and becomes the new Sith Lord Darth Krayt. He reforms the "Rule of Two" and creates a new Sith organization called the "One Sith". The "One Sith" avoids the conflicts of the Yuuzhan Vong War and the Second Galactic Civil War and remains hidden from the galaxy for a long time. Darth Krayt slowly accumulates power and extends his life through stasis chambers for nearly a hundred years. After emerging from the stasis chamber, he leads the "One Sith" to aid the remnants of the Empire in their "Ossus Project," which aims to destroy the Galactic Alliance, start a war between the Sith and the Imperial Alliance, overthrow the Galactic Alliance, purge Ossus of the Jedi Temple, depose Emperor Roan Fel (Jagged Fel's grandson), and restore the Empire to the galaxy. An Imperial civil war breaks out. Darth Krayt is critically wounded in an assassination attempt, creating a power vacuum in the Empire. He quickly rises to his feet and declares war on the Sith traitors, the remnants of the Galactic Alliance, Roan Fel's Galactic Empire in Exile, the Jedi, and the descendants of Luke, especially Cade Skywalker! Finally, Darth Krayt is killed by Cade Skywalker's blade in a beheading operation. His Sith Empire is also extinguished. Meanwhile, Roan Fel, an Imperial Knight, falls to the Dark Side on the eve of victory, forcing his subordinates to kill him. Roan Fel's daughter, Marasiah Fel, inherits the throne. After the war, Empress Marasiah Fel of the Galactic Empire, Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance, and Jedi Master K'Kruhk form the "Galactic Triumvirate" to govern the galaxy. The remaining Sith forces, driven underground, become an unstable factor in the galaxy. Among them is a Sith named Darth Wredd, who attempts to eliminate all other Sith and restore the Sith "Rule of Two" in the galaxy. His plan almost succeeds, but after all other Sith have been eliminated, he is killed by Ania Solo. Finally, the galaxy wipes out all Sith and a new chapter in history begins!
The focus of this article is on the mainline Legends stories. However, in addition to these stories, there are numerous minor stories that are included in other novels, comics, games, and short stories. In addition, the so-called "gaps" only mean that most of the related artistic works consist of only one or two pieces, and they are all insignificant little stories, rather than a complete void.
Note: The works mentioned in this article are those that have been released, aired, published, or distributed. Unreleased, unaired, unpublished, or undisclosed works are not mentioned in this article.