Uncovering All About Darth Bane Lightsaber

In the history of Star Wars, there are many fearsome Sith Lords, and one of the most powerful Sith Lords is Darth Bane, who played a key role in shaping the dark side of the Force. In this article, we will explore everything about Darth Bane, especially everything about the Darth Bane lightsaber. As the most fascinating existence in Star Wars, we will delve into the journey of this lightsaber and trace its differences from other Sith weapons.

The Origin of Darth Bane's Lightsaber

The Darth Bane lightsaber has a rich and legendary history. It was not made by Bane himself, but was given to him by his mentor Kasim at the Sith Academy on Korriban. But in fact, the lightsaber itself does not belong to Kasim, but to Kasim's former master. Kasim challenged his master and won. Kasim took the lightsaber as a trophy. Kasim used it all the time until he met Bane. He valued Bane's talent and gave it to Bane.

Darth Bane saber

Design of Darth Bane lightsaber

The design of the lightsaber is particularly eye-catching. Unlike traditional straight lightsabers, its hilt is curved, the same design as Count Dooku's lightsaber. This is a very practical modification that can enhance the user's grip and control, allowing the user to more effectively exert the power of this weapon. For Bane, the curved hilt complements his aggressive and precise fighting style. As he learned to use this weapon, Bane's lightsaber fighting skills continued to improve.

When Darth Bane first saw this lightsaber, he was deeply attracted to it. The blade of this saber was crimson, but later Bane replaced the original crystal with a synthetic crystal provided by Cordis to make a crimson blade. Cordis said that the synthetic crystal he provided was more powerful than the crystal that drove the lightsaber before. When Bane took the lightsaber, he clearly felt the difference of this saber. Its blade had almost no weight.

Darth Bane red lightsaber

Darth Bane's journey of defection

Darth Bane is considered one of the most influential Sith Lords because he fundamentally changed the core of the Sith. Darth Bane's growing dissatisfaction with the Dark Brotherhood led him to defect from the organization. The Dark Brotherhood emphasized the promotion of equality among Sith, which ran counter to Bane's belief in the dark side. So Bane stole the principal's spaceship and went to the planet Lehon to uncover the ancient Sith secrets.

During Bane's escape, he found a holographic recorder belonging to an ancient Sith Lord in the ruins of the ancient temple. Through continuous research and learning, Bane began to understand the flaws of the Sith Order and the necessity of reform, which eventually prompted him to create the Rule of Two. The Rule of Two was also passed down as the core of the Sith.

Darth Bane lightsaber

After Bane obtained the holographic recorder, his cause Kasim found him and confronted him. Kasim was sent by Lord Kahn to give Bane two choices, one was to return to the Dark Brotherhood, and the other was death. Kasim made a last attempt, hoping that Bane would return to the embrace of the Brotherhood. However, Bane firmly believed that the Brotherhood had fundamental flaws and rejected this proposal. The two dueled in the ancient temple.

Kasim's attack was fast and aggressive. Bane was skilled and stubbornly resisted the attack of his mentor, using his superb skills and brute force to counter Kasim's skills. Bane had accumulated rich experience and familiarity with Kasim's style in many years of fighting in the academy, which gave him an advantage in the duel. When Bane cornered Kasim, Kasim revealed his last trump card, splitting the hilt in two. Since Bane had never encountered such a weapon before, he was at a great disadvantage and was forced to retreat to the entrance of the temple. At this critical moment, Bane decided to burn his boats. He released all his strength and destroyed the temple structure with a huge force wave, burying Kasim alive.

Darth Bane Lightsaber Form

Unlike the standard straight-handled lightsaber, the curved hilt design of Darth Bane's lightsaber enhances the grip and enables more powerful strikes. The curved handle design is suitable for Bane's own fighting style, which allows him to launch more powerful strikes and overwhelm his opponents in speed and power.

Darth Bane chose Form V (Djem So) as his primary lightsaber form, which is very suitable for the advantages of his curved handle weapon. Form V emphasizes powerful offensive moves combined with powerful defensive techniques. The curved hilt enhances this style and enhances Bane's ability to deliver powerful strikes while maintaining defensive capabilities. The design of the hilt allows him to quickly switch between offense and defense.

Darth Bane red saber

Darth Bane Lightsaber Legacy

1.Creation of the Rule of Two

Darth Bane's lightsaber transfer to Darth Zannah embodies the Rule of Two, a principle that Bane established to prevent the Sith Brotherhood from falling into self-destructive infighting. The Rule of Two was created by Bane, and its meaning is that there can only be two Sith at any time: one is the Master who embodies the power of darkness, and the other is the Apprentice who desires and ultimately challenges that power. In this context, Bane's lightsaber is more than just a weapon, it is a symbol of inheritance and legacy.

Zannah took up Bane's weapon after his death, and in seizing his lightsaber, Zannah inherited not only Bane's power, but also his teachings and the mantle of the Dark Lord. This act marked that Bane's legacy would be passed on to his apprentice through the lightsaber, embodying the continuity of the Rule of Two.

2.The Lightsaber as a Symbol of Power

In Sith tradition, the lightsaber is more than just a combat tool, it is a symbol of power. When Darth Zannah received Bane's curved-handled lightsaber, it symbolized her claim to power and her rightful position as Bane's successor. This lightsaber has seen Bane's rise and fall, and now becomes part of Zannah's own journey. It connects her to Bane, not only as her mentor, but also as an important link in the chain of Sith Lords who follow the Rule of Two.

Darth Bane lightsaber

3.Influence on Sith Tradition

Darth Bane's lightsaber and the Rule of Two it established continue to shape the Sith way of life after his death. Bane's emphasis on the Rule of Two ensures that the Sith will become more powerful with each generation, as each apprentice is trained in the knowledge and power of their master, while also being encouraged to find ways to surpass them.

Darth Bane's Apprentice

Darth Zannah, Darth Bane's apprentice, is a key figure in the Sith Order and the first to carry on the legacy of the Rule of Two. Hand-picked by Bane during the Battle of Ruusan, Zannah is more than just a follower, but an essential part of his grand vision for the Sith.

Darth Bane discovered Zannah during the Battle of Ruusan. Despite her youth, she had already shown an innate connection to the dark side, a key quality that caught Bane's attention. In the chaos following the thought bomb explosion, Bane saw potential in her. Recognizing that she was perfect for the making of a Sith priest, he took her in as his apprentice.

Darth Zannah

Bane's training of Zannah was rigorous. He instilled in her a deep understanding of Sith philosophy. Zannah learned various dark side techniques from Bane, including Sith sorcery, which became her specialty. This ancient and complex skill set allowed her to manipulate the minds of others and launch devastating attacks against her enemies, making her a powerful and unique Sith.

As Zannah matured and honed her skills, she became more aware of the demands of the Rule of Two. She knew that one day, she would have to face Bane and prove her worth as a Sith Master by defeating him. Bane's teachings prepared her for this moment, and as her power grew, so did her ambition. Tension between master and apprentice always existed, and Bane watched Zannah's progress, knowing that one day she would try to overthrow him.

The pinnacle of Bane and Zannah's relationship was their final duel for supremacy. This battle was not only a test of skill, but also a realization of the Law of Duality, showing that Zana was ready to take on the mission of the Sith.

Darth Bane's Lightsaber Battle

Duel with Kasim

One of Darth Bane's most impactful battles was against his former mentor Kasim. After Bane left the Dark Brotherhood, Kasim was ordered to recruit or kill Bane. Kasim kicked off the duel with a swift and precise strike. Initially, Bane had difficulty parrying, but with his special curved lightsaber, he was able to generate greater power when fighting, and based on his own combat experience, he predicted Kasim's attack angle. After many confrontations, Bane became more and more familiar with Kasim's fighting style, enabling him to withstand Kasim's attacks.

As the battle progressed, Bane adjusted his tactics, using his understanding of the Fifth Form (Jem So) to counter Kasim's fast and fluid movements. When Kasim tried to gain the upper hand by splitting his weapon into two swords, Bane was forced to retreat temporarily. However, he soon used his superior strength and connection to the Force to destroy the temples around them, burying Kassim alive.

Battle of Ruusan

The events of Ruusan marked another pivotal moment in Darth Bane's rise to power. Disillusioned with the Dark Brotherhood and its flawed ideology, Bane orchestrated the destruction of the Sith forces to pave the way for the creation of a new Sith order. He tricked Brotherhood leader Lord Kaan into using the Thought Bomb, a powerful dark weapon capable of annihilating all Force-sensitive beings within a radius.

Darth Bane lightsaber

While Bane did not directly engage in lightsaber combat during this event, the battle of manipulation and foresight highlighted his tactics. By bringing the Jedi and Sith Brotherhoods into conflict, he orchestrated their mutual destruction, paving the way for him to rebuild the Sith according to his vision.

Final Duel with Darth Zannah

According to the Rule of Two established by Darth Bane, his final battle was a duel with his apprentice, Darth Zannah. The confrontation was the culmination of years of training and preparation, as Zannah sought to prove herself worthy of taking Bane's place. The battle was not only a test of strength, but also a clash of philosophy, as Bane fought to retain his power and Zannah was determined to surpass her master.

Bane used the curved hilt to his advantage in this brutal duel, and his mastery of the Fifth Form allowed him to deliver powerful and relentless blows, pushing Zannah to her limits. Zannah possessed superior skill and physical strength, and she used dark side sorcery and speed to counter Bane's attacks.

Ultimately, Zannah emerged victorious, and the battle became a powerful symbol of the Sith's survival through strength. Although Bane's defeat marked the end of his journey, it solidified his legacy, as his teachings and philosophy continued through Zannah.


Through our understanding of Darth Bane, we can find that Darth Bane's lightsaber is an important symbol of his legacy. From being a symbol of power passed down as a Sith tradition to the role it played in key battles, the lightsaber embodies Bane's relentless pursuit of dominance. His lightsaber is more than just a weapon, it is a symbol of his philosophy and the enduring power of the Sith.


1.What is Darth Bane's lightsaber? 

Darth Bane's lightsaber is a curved-handled weapon gifted by his mentor, Kasim. It symbolizes his mastery of Sith fighting techniques and the power passed down through Sith apprentices.

2.Who gave Darth Bane his lightsaber? 

Kasim was Bane's mentor at the Sith Academy on Korriban, who gave him this lightsaber. It once belonged to Kasim's own master, continuing the tradition of Sith weapons.

3.What fighting styles did Darth Bane use with his lightsaber? 

Darth Bane primarily used the Fifth Style, a powerful and aggressive fighting style that was enhanced by the precision and angle of his curved handle.

4.What battles did Darth Bane fight with his lightsaber? 

Darth Bane's lightsaber played an important role in his duel with the Jedi Knights on the planet Tython, against assassins sent by Hutton, and other battles, proving his dominance in battle.

5.Did Darth Bane pass his lightsaber to someone else after his death? 

Yes, after Bane's death, his lightsaber was inherited by his apprentice Darth Zannah, symbolizing her becoming a Sith Lord and the continuation of the Rule of Two.

6.Who was Darth Bane's apprentice?

Darth Bane's apprentice was Darth Zannah. She inherited Bane's power and knowledge and became his heir. According to the "Rule of Two" established by Bane, the apprentice must eventually surpass and defeat the master to maintain the inheritance of Sith power and knowledge. Zannah took over Bane's Sith legacy after his death and continued this tradition.