why are the so few yellow lightsabers

Yellow lightsabers have always been a mysterious presence in Star Wars. We rarely see anyone using them in the show. Why are they so rare? In this article, we will delve into the history and symbolism of yellow lightsabers and reveal why they are rarely used.

Origin and symbolism of yellow lightsabers

Yellow lightsabers have always been a mysterious and fascinating color in Star Wars, and its limited appearance has made fans accustomed to blue and red lightsabers curious. Yellow sabers themselves only appear in some Star Wars stories, in which they have unique uses. Before figuring out why yellow sabers are so rare, let's explore the root cause of their rarity from its origin and symbolism.

yellow saber

Yellow lightsabers were first discovered through the Jedi Temple Guards, elite members of the Jedi Order who play a vital role in maintaining order in the Temple. Their double-bladed yellow lightsabers are not only weapons, but also symbols of their responsibility and authority. Unlike typical Jedi Knights and Masters, who would perform missions or negotiate peace throughout the galaxy, the Temple Guards stayed within the Temple. Their mission is to ensure that the most sacred space of the Jedi is protected. The yellow color of their lightsabers reflects neutrality and balance, acting as guardians of stability and order.

The introduction of Rey's yellow lightsaber in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker furthers the mystery and importance of this rare color. Rey's journey is different from the typical Jedi path - she doesn't just follow the teachings of the Jedi Order, she forges a new path. In the final moments of the Skywalker Saga, her yellow lightsaber raises many questions. Why did she choose yellow instead of the more traditional blue or green? A symbol of her new identity and her quest to achieve balance between the light and dark sides of the Force, Rey's lightsaber symbolizes that it combines the legacies of the Jedi and Sith while transcending them.

Lightsaber colors have long held deep symbolic meaning in Star Wars, with each color reflecting a connection to the Force. Unlike blue or red lightsabers, yellow lightsabers embody a balance of neutrality and justice, while also representing a balance between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Famous Characters Who Wield Yellow Lightsabers

The Jedi Temple Guards are the only characters in Star Wars who use yellow lightsabers. They are stationed at the Jedi Temple to ensure that no interference threatens their safety. The yellow lightsaber visually distinguishes the Jedi Temple Guards from the other Jedi Knights, indicating their unique identity, and their responsibility to maintain safety and fairness and justice. The yellow lightsaber becomes the perfect symbol of their balanced duties.

rey yellow lightsaber

Rey is another iconic character who wields a yellow lightsaber. At the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey reveals her custom yellow lightsaber made from parts from her staff. Choosing yellow for her blade hints at a new path for Rey, highlighting the evolution of her personality and Jedi heritage.

Why do Jedi or Sith rarely use yellow lightsabers?

Jedi who use yellow lightsabers usually perform duties different from most Jedi, such as Jedi Temple Guards, whose responsibility is to protect the safety of the Jedi Temple rather than participate in external conflicts. Yellow sabers indicate that they are representatives of fairness and justice. This neutrality is essential to being able to use yellow lightsabers. However, most Jedi do not have this specific ability, and it is difficult for them to achieve absolute fairness and justice, so they have few opportunities to use yellow lightsabers.

rey yellow lightsaber

Another reason why characters using yellow sabers are rare is that there are fewer Jedi who choose the path of balance or neutrality. The specific requirements are that traditionally, it is emphasized to pursue Seeking the light side of the Force, but having their own understanding of the dark side of the Force, while standing on the light side of the Force, they will not fall into the dark side, and are in the middle ground of the Force. This kind of character is extremely rare in Star Wars, which is one of the reasons why yellow lightsaber users are rare. The rarity of yellow lightsabers also extends to the Sith. Although the Sith have always used only red lightsabers, from a philosophical point of view, the Sith also lacks characters who can use yellow sabers.

The Sith people fundamentally oppose the concept of balance and neutrality from a philosophical perspective, which is also the fundamental reason why they cannot wield yellow lightsabers. For them, power is the ultimate goal, and their lightsaber color reflects this unique pursuit. The balanced and neutral symbolism of the yellow lightsaber has no place in Sith ideology because it conflicts with their aggressive nature and pursuit of hegemony. Therefore, yellow lightsabers are not only uncommon among the Sith, but basically non-existent. Comparing Yellow Lightsabers to Other Lightsaber Colors in Combat In the Star Wars universe, yellow lightsabers provide a unique way of lightsaber combat, different from the more common blue, green or red lightsabers.

yellow saber

While each lightsaber color is often associated with a specific fighting style, the yellow lightsaber stands out as a symbol of neutrality and balance. This is reflected in the way the Jedi Temple Guards use yellow double-bladed lightsabers, which are designed not for attack but for defense and maintaining peace.

In combat, blue lightsabers are often used by Jedi Knights, who focus on offensive and combat skills, and green lightsabers are associated with Jedi Consulars, who display wisdom and the Force, and usually use lightsabers as a last resort. Yellow lightsabers don't fit neatly into either category. Instead, they offer a middle ground, where the focus is not on destroying the enemy, but on eliminating threats and maintaining peace. This allows for more variety in combat, as yellow lightsabers can be used for both offense and defense, and can be adjusted as the situation requires.

yellow saber

When Rey wields her yellow lightsaber, it symbolizes a balance. Rey's connection to the Force is not limited to the old ways of the Jedi Order, but she also does not fall to the dark side of the Force. In combat, yellow lightsaber wielders like Rey can fluidly switch between different techniques and strategies, ensuring they are prepared for a variety of challenges without being constrained by a single combat philosophy. In contrast, the red lightsabers, the symbol of the Sith, represent aggression, power, and domination. They are designed for offense, to overwhelm and destroy opponents, often at the expense of defense. This is in stark contrast to the balanced approach represented by the yellow lightsaber. While Sith wielders focus on raw power and attack, those wielding yellow lightsabers use a combination of skills and strategies, emphasizing control and balance over aggression.


The yellow lightsaber is known for its unique symbolism and rarity, and in future Star Wars stories, we can also expect that there may be more yellow lightsaber wielders to appear, continuing the legacy of the yellow saber.


1.What does a yellow lightsaber mean?

A yellow lightsaber symbolizes balance, neutrality, and protection. It is often used by those who seek to maintain order without leaning toward aggression or passivity.

2.Who uses a yellow lightsaber in Star Wars?

The most notable users are the Jedi Temple Guards and Rey. The Temple Guards use yellow lightsabers to protect the Jedi Temple, while Rey crafts her own lightsaber in The Rise of Skywalker.

3.Why are yellow lightsabers less common than blue or green lightsabers?

Most Jedi Knights choose blue or green lightsabers to align with traditional combat or Force philosophy, while yellow is reserved for unique, specialized roles.

4.How are yellow lightsabers made?

A yellow lightsaber is made using kyber crystals that have been purified or specifically chosen to emit a yellow hue, often reflecting the user's intentions and connection to the Force.

5.Why did Rey choose a yellow lightsaber?

Rey's yellow lightsaber symbolizes her unique path and connection to the Force, showing her commitment to balance rather than the traditional Jedi or Sith ways.

6.Are yellow lightsabers stronger than other colors?

Yellow lightsabers are not stronger, but they are more versatile in combat. They are designed to be balanced, combining both defensive and offensive capabilities.