In Star Wars, the color red is synonymous with the Sith. Red lightsabers have become a symbol of the dark side of the Force, the power, and the fall from Jedi doctrine. But are there any Sith Lords who choose to wield lightsabers of different colors? Surprisingly, yes. While red is the primary color of Sith lightsabers, there are Sith who wield other colors, and in this article, we'll explore these Sith who don't use red sabers.

Why do Sith use red lightsabers?
In Star Wars lore, red lightsabers are traditionally powered by synthetic crystals or natural crystals that "bleed." This process involves the Sith infusing their dark emotions into a kyber crystal. When the Sith corrupts the crystal by infusing it with anger and hatred, the crystal "bleeds," turning it red.
For the Sith, they are willing to embrace emotions such as anger, hatred, and fear, viewing them as sources of strength. Unlike the Jedi, who strive to remain peaceful, the Sith believe that these emotions, if harnessed correctly, can lead to greater power. The red lightsaber, with its bright and fierce hue, is a direct reflection of these emotions, and with a red saber, the Sith can exert a more powerful force.
Darth Vader: A Unique Exception
Darth Vader is one of the most feared Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy. Although the Dark Lord Vader is associated with the red lightsaber, there have been moments in his past when he wielded a blue lightsaber. This occurred during his infamous attack on the Jedi Temple, before he fell to the dark side. During this early stage, he was still Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, and his blue lightsaber represented his relationship with the Jedi Order. After his transformation into a Sith, the lightsaber turned red.
But Vader cannot be considered an iconic example, and this is not the case when he used a red saber after he fully became a Sith, so Vader cannot be used as a typical example.
Darth Bane: The Founder of the Rule of Two
In the Legends universe, the Sith Lord Darth Bane is famous for wielding a purple lightsaber. His choice of color symbolizes his connection to the ancient traditions of the Sith, as well as his power in lightsaber combat and the Force. Purple is often seen as a combination of blue and red, representing balance and mastery, making it a fitting choice for Bane, who values the delicate balance of power embodied in the Rule of Two.
Mara Jade: Dark Force User with a Purple-Red Blade
Mara Jade is an important character in Star Wars lore, and she is another example of a Sith-like character who uses a non-red lightsaber. Mara Jade was originally the "Emperor's Hand," enforcing Palpatine's will across the galaxy. During this time, she wielded a purple-red lightsaber, also known as a pink lightsaber. While she was not officially a Sith, her use of the traditional red lightsaber marked her as a dark side character. She later redeemed herself and became the wife of Luke Skywalker.

Darth Traya: Master of Three Lightsabers
Kraya, known as Darth Traya in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, is one of the most complex Sith Lords in Star Wars lore. As Revan's former master, she has an unparalleled understanding of the Force. Traya's weapon is a purple lightsaber, and she is one of the few Sith who can wield multiple lightsabers at once, often using three lightsabers. Her unique fighting style, combined with her understanding of the Force, makes her a powerful Sith Lord.

Naga Sadow: The Sith Lord Who Doesn't Use Lightsaber
Naga Sadow was a Sith Lord from the Legends era who lived during the Hyperspace Wars and took a more unorthodox approach. Unlike typical Sith, Sadow and his followers did not use lightsabers at all. Instead, they relied on the dark side of the Force and their mastery of Sith alchemy and ancient weapons.
Exar Kun: Double-bladed Jedi Knight-turned-Sith Lord
Exar Kun was another prominent Sith Lord in Star Wars: Wars of the Sith, and he is best known for wielding a double-bladed blue lightsaber, a weapon originally associated with the Jedi Knights. His weapon of choice during his time as a Jedi Knight was not red, and even after his fall to the dark side and becoming a Sith Lord, he continued to use a blue-bladed lightsaber.

In the Star Wars universe, accidents are everywhere, which also brings many surprises to people. These Sith who do not use red lightsabers add a unique color to the rich history of Star Wars.
(The above pictures are from the Internet)